IT Improves tools to improve your life


I-Mon : server Monitoring tool to show alarms and events

Current version : 3.1


I-Mon will allow you to monitor and guard your server including network links to neighbouring systems efficiently with the use of some scripts without the limitations of SNMP and MIBs.


The screen is divided in three parts

The control part contains:

Window title show last alarm and the time that has passed since.

Program button on taskbar shows last alarm (scrolling)

In Taskbar the icon starts blinking if alarm occurs.

(Alarms can also be sent by e-mail )

>Requirements for i-mon

The things you need are:

> Preparation Configuration on server

What needs to be done on the server:

  1. Make sure there is a telnet tcp/ip connection is possible between your PC and your server. (Check your firewalls).
  2. Create a dedicated I-Mon-account on the server.
  3. Make sure telnet services are enabled for the I-Mon-account
  4. Create a (simple) shell-script for the I-Mon-account to collect data / statistics and watch networklinks. The output format of the script is very straight forward [type],date,time,alarmlevel,message,value
  5. When you log into the special account the collected data should be displayed and the script should logout.

I-Mon will automatically login to fetch the collected system information.

The interval to collect data can be set from 1 (one) minute to 60 minutes depending on the amount of change on your server.

Up to five items are shown in two graphs. One graph contains the last 23 hours the other the last 28-31days

Up to 8 Leds will show you the sate of elements, or neighbouring systems

Lines in between the leds can show you the state of the connection.

Up to 5 Horizontal bars will show you the current diskspace/cpu usage.

> View/Listen/receive alarms (e-mail, imail, sms)

If an critical situation occurs (alarmlevel reached). I-Mon will alarm you by beeping (speaker), flash clock, flash a tray icon, rotate a message (your message), playing a wav- or mp3-file (soundcard needed), or send e-mail (MAPI (outlook needed)), etc..

>Example of the output of a monitoring script on the server

For example to turn I-Mon leds 1 off(green) and 5(blink) on if alarmlevel is set to 6:

[l1],20020212,112311,0,process X presented by top left led is ok
[l5],20020212,112311,6,process X presented by top right led is NOT ok

>Export data, and import (automatically) recorded data

All collected data will be saved to csv-files for further analysis in MS-Excel or reloading it in I-Mon or any other csv-tool.


Much more...

>User testimonials

"There is nothing as powerfull as I-Mon on the market"

"it makes guarding our Servers a lot easier (less effort)"

"I-Mon alarms have proven itself several times already!"

>What systems can be monitored? Almost any!

I-mon can monitor almost any UNIX and Windows systems including eppliactions on those systems using a simple script a login account and the telnet client (the last is included in i-mon). If higher communcations security is required please contact us, we can suite your needs on special request for SSH, Secure ftp, ftp and other...


version 4 rules grid :

- time/date/match overrule alarmlevels of serverscript for a specific element eg [s2]

- copy values from one element to another [h2]-> [s2]

option to use of secure shell (SSH) instead of telnet to collect data from server

option to use ftp in stead of telnet to gather data from server

optional agents for Windows / UNIX / LINUX / HP-UX / (VMS) systems

Client-Server version one I-Mon is used to collect the data, the other I-Mon(s) copy the data from the server-version (minimize the number of holes in the firewall(s)). Uses a common windows networkdirectory.

Small client only showing I-MON alarm-state makes use of above server version.

Synchronisation between I-MONprograms monitoring the same server (multiple operators).


Priorities for implementing these features can be set by you e.g. by sponsoring us.


>version history

version 3.1 programname changed to I-MON, Current version, some minor bug fixes, context sensitive help for logentries based on [type]

version 3 - mapi e-mail client, 2 extra local rules, compress older csv-files external pkzip (logfilenames), network added to LEDs, auto-y-range for chart also after zoom., quick telnet button added, reload old data improved(today, this month, one file...)

version 2 - Name changed to ISAT (improved server alarm tool) 4 more LEDs, tabbed user interface. bufix monthchart, labels includes day of week, pingtool added, auto store bmp of chart at 23:59 added

version 0..1: internal vesions (alarmtool) only logging, very basic chart/graph



>Do you want more info? please e-mail us at


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